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Program of the 26th Annual

Eudora Welty Writers' Symposium 

October 23rd, 24th, and 25th, 2014

The theme for this year's symposium is "''Homesick for Somewhere': Displacement, loss, and longing in the South" and is inspired by Eudora Welty's story "Kin" from her collection The Bride of Innisfallen.

The names below are the list of authors for this year, including when available, links to author websites where you can learn a little more about this year's line-up. Don't forget that we will be selling books at Welty Book Table during the symposium.

The full schedule can be found on our poster or the events listings on Facebook, Goodreads, and LibraryThing.


Friday, October 24, 10:20 a.m.

Author of The Resurrectionist 

Matthew Guinn's debut novel, The Resurrectionist tells the story of bones dug up in a South Carolina medical college’s basement, and of the slave who was required to procure bodies as cadavers for the anatomy class by exhuming them from African American graveyards. Nominated for an Edgar Award, the novel as been described by Library Journal as “important history and a moving call to conscience.”

Originally from Atlanta, Guinn has settled in Jackson with his wife Kristen and two children. Besides his novel, Guinn has published a book of scholarship, After Southern Modernism: Fiction of the Contemporary South. 


The Resurrectionist cover